Invitation to La Cita de los Amigos 2025!

Dear Amigos,

The registrations for La Cita de los Amigos 2025 in Spa will open on 1st December 2024. The password will be published in the Facebook group and send to our mailing list. The number of participants is strictly limited!

Please note, there will be no more Winter Edition in the church in Brussels starting from 2025!

This time again La Cita will be 4 days, 19-22.6.2025. Thursday we will have the pre-party at the venue in the smaller hemisphere and, if the weather permits it, we will be dancing outside on the terrace of the Kursalle, the main venue. On Friday we will start with an afternoon milonga in the Parc-des-Sept-Heures which is a historical roof-covered arcade. For the afternoon outside dancing sessions on the terrace we have foreseen, like last year, umbrellas and sun shelters for sun sensitive amigos.

As during the last editions, we will make a diner break on Saturday and Sunday evenings for outside dining. On Friday evening we will organise a cheese and soup buffet at the venue. On top of this we will have our brunch on Saturday and Sunday mornings and the open bar.

There will be a total of 44 hours of continuous dancing and we already have some great international DJs which we will present very soon after La Cita in Brussels.

Thev thermal bath of Spa Will be open and there is a speciale rate for all amigos for the entrance. For thermal treatments we suggest you book in advance to get a spot.

NEW ACCOMMODATION: The former Radisson changed into Van Der Valk Hotel. We have now renegociated with the new direction a special deal for all amigos. There will be a code word. You will find it in the accommodation page. We recommend that you reserve your accommodations immediately upon reception of your acceptance to the event.

See you soon ๐Ÿ™‚



Thank you! Merci!

Dear Amigos,
We would like to thank you from the heart for your cheerful and delighted mood with which you helped create La Cita de los Amigos in Spa which took place just some weeks ago! Everything worked like in a dream with so lovely participants and even though we added an extra day, time flew by very quickly. We always said, one day we wanted to participate in our own marathon, but often we were busy with organizational stuff. For the first time, we could really enjoy it to the full together with you, also because we had such a nice and well-established team. Ah yes, after the post-COVID panic editions, this time we even further reduced any waiting time in queues because we started registrations already on Thursday and we limited the number of available spots like in the good old times. The dates for Spa 2025 are already fixed, itโ€™s 19-22.6.2025 and registrations will most likely start beginning of December, before the end of year holidays. We wish you all a very pleasant summer holidays and see you soon again!

Invitation to the next winter La Cita de los Amigos 13-14-15.12.2024 (Belgian Edition)


It’s about time again, registrations for the next Winter Edition in Brussels start next Tuesday, 4.6.2024, via this website!

Participation is on invitation only and the password is in the private Facebook group and has been sent via the mailing list. Everybody in the group or mailing list is invited ๐Ÿ™‚

This will be our 20th Cita, therefore we plan a special Belgian Edition.

The registration link will be available under once registrations are open.

Mark the event dates 13-14-15.12.2024 and see you soon either in Spa or in Brussels later this year.



Invitation to the next Summer Edition in Spa, 20|21|22|23.6.2024

Dear Amigos,

The registrations for our Summer Edition 2024 in Spa will open on December 1st 2023. The password will be published in the Facebook group and send to our mailing list.

NEW: This year again there will be no special deal with the Radisson. You are free to book any other accommodation of your liking from the vaste public offer in Spa. Please do this in time as it is a busy touristic city. We suggest to use booking platforms such as, Airbnb or to contact directly the surrounding hotels.

NEW: As we did in the last edition in Brussels and Spa, we will make a diner break on Saturday and Sunday evening for outside dining. On Friday evening we will organise a cheese and soup buffet at the venue. On top of this we will have our brunch on Saturday and Sunday morning and the open bar.

See soon in June ๐Ÿ™‚


Invitation for La Cita de los Amigos Church Edition 15|16|17.12.2023

Dear Amigos,

15-17.12.2023 the next Church Edition of La Cita de los Amigos will take place in Brussels! Again there will be an open bar, two large brunches, a lot of snacks, surprises. We have removed the two dinner services which means that we will make a small dinner break and you can meet in the surrounding restaurants.

Registrations will open via the website Monday 10.7.2023:

Password: Check your mail and the FB-group
Places are limited and we give priority to regular participants.

Accommodation options are detailed here:

Be ready and we hope to see you!



Invitation to the next Summer Edition in Spa, 22|23|24|25.6.2023

Dear Amigos,

The registrations for our Summer Edition 2023 in Spa will open February 7th. The password will be published in the Facebook group and send to our mailing list.

NEW: This year there will be no special deal with the Radisson but there is again the family run hotel. Also, you are free to book any other accommodation of your liking from the vaste public offer in Spa.

NEW: As we did last edition in Brussels, we will make a diner break on Saturday and Sunday evening for outside dining. On Friday evening we will organise a cheese and soup buffet at the venue. On top of this we will have our brunch on Saturday and Sunday morning and the open bar.

NOT NEW: The participation price for La Cita de los Amigos will remain the same! It’s there to cover all our costs.

We hope to see you soon in June ๐Ÿ™‚


Thank you! Merci!

Dear Amigos,

After two cancellations because of COVID we had to exceptionally bring forward the dates of our meeting. This was to avoid a possible 3rd cancellation. We are glad to announce that the usual winter christmas edition will be back in 2023: 15-17.12.2023! Before that we will have the joy to meet you 22-25.6.2023 in Spa.

We want to thank you from the heart for your trust and support during these uncertain times and for having made possible to bring back La Cita de los Amigos into life. Our helper team was absolutely dedicated. We thank also all our DJs for the musical accompany and the Brigittines.

We wish you a very nice, fullfilled and creative end of year and hope to see you back next year to make the magic happen again!

Yours BB&JI

Invitation for La Cita de los Amigos Church Edition 28|29|30.10.2022

Dear Amigos,

28-30 October 2022 the next Church Edition of La Cita de los Amigos will take place in Brussels! Again there will be an open bar, two large brunches, a lot of snacks, surprises and the participation fee remains the same. We have removed the two dinner services which means that we will make a small dinner break and you can meet in the surrounding restaurants.

Registrations are now open via the website:

Password: Check your mail and the FB-group
Places are limited and we give priority to regular participants.

Accommodation options are detailed here:

We donโ€™t know how will be the situation during next winter. Fortunately, most of us are doing quite well right now. We believe that scheduling La Cita de los Amigos Winter Edition as usual one week before the Christmas family meetings might be too risky. After four cancelled editions, we want to put all chances on our side to get back to church. Therefore La Cita de los Amigos Church Edition will happen this year exceptionally in October in Brussels.

Be ready and we hope to see you!
